Friday, January 16, 2009

Moderators for the Rain for the Planet Facebook Group

List of Moderators and Biographies:

All moderators agree to a code of behaviour and ethical guidelines, and are available to answer questions about their particular field of expertise within the forum. Moderators donate their time in exchange for karma and benefits to networking and collaborating on projects under development for rain for the planet.

Moderators are also eligible for Rain for the Planet Membership, and can be nominated for Executive Officers positions to the board of directors of Rain for the Planet once the initial membership process is complete. The Board of directors will be voted for by members of the website and facebook group when we have 10 active moderators.

It is not mandatory for any moderator to be a Rain for the Planet member or Executive director in order for them to use the group. All moderators pay a small residual percentage of any contract or work gained through use of the site to help support Rain for The Planet as it Grows.
So by purchasing services or products, signing up for a class and supporting moderators and members, you are also supporting Rain for the Planet- and this money goes to support Rayne in her work, and implementation of the website, set up fees and administraton costs, all which take an enormous amount of time and energy at this time.

This list is updates as new moderators come online. If you are interested in being a moderator in the Rain for the Planet Group, contact Rayne directly.

** This note will be updated as new moderators are added ** Last update April 16/09



The evergreen Mark Leiren-Young is the writer-director-producer of The Green Chain, an award-winning feature film about the people behind the issues in a dying logging town. The Green Chain is currently playing Canadian theatres as a Kinosmith release. He also wrote and coproduced The Green Film, a short film about an attempt to make the world's most environmentally friendly movie that is currently playing festivals around the world. Mark wrote and performed the short’s closing song, "Green Guilt Blues", which is on his upcoming eco-comedy CD, Greenpieces (featuring his musical comedy act, Local Anxiety). Mark wrote, produced and co-starred in the TV comedy special called Greenpieces for VTV/Green Channel/PBS - which received an EarthVision Award for, “Excellence in Environmental Programming.” Mark currently hosts a Green Chain podcast series for Canada’s top on-line --The Tyee dealing with forestry issues and the environment.

In addition to his "Green" projects Mark also writes for TV, theatre, radio and stage. Mark’s comic memoir, Never Shoot a Stampede Queen -- Adventures of a Rookie Reporter, was just nominated for the Stephen Leacock Medal for Humour. An award-winning journalist and columnist, Mark has written for such publications as Time Magazine, Maclean’s andThe Utne Reader and he’s a regular contributor to The Georgia Straight and The Tyee. For more on Mark visit

David is an exceptionally gifted Astrologer, Spiritual teacher and Tarot Reader.

"Hello to all. I am David Zunker. I have used this life to gather what wisdom I may from outer and inner knowledge seeking, experience, and serendipitous discovery. This has taken me through many paths and channels of information, which include Astrology, Qabala, Tarot, Ceremonial Magic, the Occult, Wicca, and psychedelia. I am privileged to have a successful life of service on my terms with a loving family, sincere friendships, and substantial inner awareness. I am happy to be invited by Summer Raine Forrest to participate in her efforts to bring healing to our world."

Rayne is the founder of Rain for the Planet. A Tera Mai Reiki master, graduate from Vancouver College of Counseling and Shamanic Apprentice she has developed her own system of healing. Rayne has been on FOX morning show, been a guest speaker for the YWCA Women's Mentoring Program and has worked with hundreds of people for their personal healing and development. She has been teaching since she was 13 years old.

She ran West Coast Centre for Enlightenment in Mission BC and started the Lighthouse Interfaith Community Centre. Rayne's spiritual background is diverse. Among other things she has been a Born Again Christian Youth Leader, Pagan High Priestess, Zen Buddhist Student, Sacred Sister of the Dao, Professional Psychic, Intuitive development and creative arts Teacher, Feminist, Political Activist, Consultant, Manager, Journalist, web-developer and graphic designer. She was an actress in Voices of One at the Abbotsford Fringe Festival two years running also performing at the Mission Children's Festival, competed in the Canadian National Improv Olympics and was a runner up for Miss Teen Toronto.

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